Sneak peak #3 - 18 months - Raleigh Childrens Photographer - Recommended shoot schedule
I've had the pleasure of photographing Anderson since he was 6 months old. His mom is great about following the recommended photography schedule. She is so sweet and lets me pick the location every time and says she is happy each time. It's so great when people love the shots we get from the locations I pick. A lot of people think they want green & pretty when they find they love the more funky locations even more. The more odd ball the location is the more interesting shots we can come up with. Anderson is definitely all boy who loved running free to explore each new spot we walked to.

In case you are wondering what the picture schedule is...
Everyone should get family shots once a year no matter what stage your family is in.
Maternity shoot
Newborn shoot in the first 14 days of life
3 months of age
6 months of age
9 months of age
12 months of age
18 months of age
24 months of age
2 1/2 years old
3 years old
3 1/2 years old
4 years old
4 1/2 years old
5 years old
Yearly after age 5
Each of these recommended ages for a photo shoot is specifically chosen because children change quite a bit between each of these stages.
I love this picture!
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