Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A little bit of everything! - Christmas Card sessions!!!

First off, I am happy to announce three days of mini sessions with Christmas cards And an 11x14! The Saturday will be November 7th from 10:30 am until 4:00 pm with fabulous downtown Raleigh as your backdrop! Monday November 9th & Wednesday November 18th will both be from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm with the pretty Lake Benson park as your backdrop!

Each session will last about 25 minutes and we'll take a few poses in the same area to give some variety and texture to your Christmas cards. Please feel free to spread the word on this great deal! Referral credits will be $5 for any booked Christmas card session you refer. All regular sessions booked will still be a $20 credit. Of course, our regular full custom sessions will have the opportunity to get their own custom Christmas cards!

Christmas card flyer

The rest of these shots are all from recent sessions I just haven't had time to blog about!

This silhouette is soooo stinking cool. We were on our way to the shoot location when this great run down industrial site. On our way back we stopped her for a few shots. Love them all. Ladies who are preggo, it isn't all about the naked belly anymore. We can really showcase this special time in your life with so many cool shots. You'll see more of these later for sure!
SG Oct14 09 7

By the way, my girl here is about 5' 1"! Doesn't she look waaay taller?
SG Oct14 09 6

These guys were a lot of fun.
SG Oct14 09 8

Most of my session pictures are the typical shot you see on my blog with the great contrast & saturated rich colors. A few families lately have really fit having a more vintage look to some of their shots. They have all loved those vintage edits too. I love this family, and we've really become friends over the last year of sessions every three months. It will be sad to 'only' get to spend the fun session time every 6 months now. We do get to have play dates though, which has been loads of fun.
SG Oct14 09 5

The next two storyboards are of a brother and sister. I think they will look great hanging on the wall side by side or in their seperate rooms! They shared some cupcakes at the end of our session for some fun and messy shots.
SG Oct14 09 4

SG Oct14 09 3

The last two storyboards are of one of my pretty seniors. Her and I are both total chatterboxes so we hit it off immediately. There was this great bridge it would have been cool to get her up on the concrete cross piece. Unfortunately we didn't have a big strong man with us or a ladder! The small attempt we made at trying to get her up there ended up with my foot 1/2 inch away from a fire ant hill! Yeah, we aborted.
SG Oct14 09 2

SG Oct14 09 1


Tabitha Blue October 16, 2009 at 9:58 PM  

Nice job on all of these! Wow. I love those maternity photos!! I need to get some like that done of me ;)

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