Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A great design

I just wanted to share the cutest nursery with you. It's even more fabulous because all of the photography was done by me! LOL There really is nothing better then to walk into someones home and see the proudly displayed photographs we have taken. Photography is so much a part of your past, present and future. It IS family history.

SG Aug11 09 1

There are a few blank frames in the room just waiting for the next photo shoot. We got started a little early on their photo shoot next week when I snapped a few shots of Rylee in her room. YAY!


Gabrielle Mappone August 19, 2009 at 9:01 AM  

I found your site by accident, however, I am glad I did! I love this photo and the fact that the family left those blank frames! Must have given you goose bumps to see your photos on display like that and KNOWING that they trusted you to fill those blank ones! I know that is what you do...capture memories and moments that fill frames...but still...what a compliment to ones abilities!

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