Ella's Touch
Ella of
Ella's Touch is still doing wonderfully. She is now much more alert with all kinds of jabbering and laughing. She is so much more receptive to being held now too. I took another crack at capturing her for her family so there will be lots of great images to visually celebrate her life. We had a beautiful evening with nice soft light for her session.
Check out these amazing eyes. Her eyes are so pretty. She loves to put her fingers in her mouth, suck on a passy & will play with her hands by clasping her fingers together.
This shot is perfection. You can feel all the love and affection Tiffany has for her special baby girl. Having lost her third child at 6 months old she knows, like most people could not possible fathom, how to love this baby girl, her two older kids & husband with everything she has in her. She handles the struggles of life with so much grace and beauty.

Ella's big brother announced to me proudly, "My sister has lived longer then my brother!" Despite all the inevitable sorrow her loss will bring they make sure to cherish each moment they can cherish. Shouldn't we all spend much more time cherishing our family including all the 'insignificant' moments? We really don't know what will happen tomorrow or next year. For some of us, we too, will feel the pain of losing a loved one in our immediate family. Please take time to cherish those you love. And for all those mama's out there who don't want to get in pictures, please just do it! Your loved ones do not care for perfection. They care for YOU!
Tiffany was getting Ella to laugh here. She smiled several times for us. This one is one of my favorites with her looking back at mom as she smiles.
Sweet Seleah
Three of the last four newborns in front of my camera have smiled for me! Seriously?!?! It has never happened in the past, and now they all are doing it. Maybe I'm learning some magic skills {with those beautiful mama's help!} with the newborns. Saleah is adorable. That hair. She also has the loads of fine baby hair over most of her just like Blake did. It brought back great memories.
We were even able to clip this flower in her hair without a headband. Love it. No distractions. Just beauty. Those pouty little lips are also perfection.
{So all my phrases on here remind me of Nike commercials I've seen in the past! Just do it}
My Kiddos
In case you don't follow
my personal blog, here are some images of a project I did this week. The
Inner Hooker is a pattern maker who's Fan page I found on Facebook. She picked me out of about 25-30 people to do a test crochet pattern. Yay, me! Here is the second hat I made with this pattern test being modeled by Madison. It was a great experience that I hope I can do again. Maybe I'll start selling hats, scarfs and other things during the slow seasons. Always gotta be busy...
Love this photo of Madison showing off one of the hair props I've gotten recently. There's a whole small case full of them. Those with little girls are welcome to use any of them during your session. I have a few cool flowers that would look great on Mom too {I wore one to our church breakfast this morning}!
And what's a post showing my Maddy when my Blakie isn't included? No way! Here is my adorable boy with his summer bleached hair and happy smile.
What would you like to do to cherish your family more this week?
Please share in the comments to inspire us all!